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Keep moving forward....

Featured News Story

05 July 2021

Keep moving forward....

If you’re wanting now to get your team together in person, host that training event live, update your company all together or whatever it might be, get in touch – we’re ready to host and support you.

For many, hybrid conferencing may be required, and we’re pleased to say we are set for that also.

It’s not ‘business as usual’ or ‘conferencing is back’…. It’s a new day, with new solutions to meet the new demands that you and your organisations are facing.

Happy New Year 2021!
04 January 2021

Happy New Year 2021!

As we plan and prepare for this year ahead, one lesson from 2020 is to be ready for anything!

If we're all honest, we don't know exactly what the year ahead will look like and planning has to be far more fluid than maybe we would like.

If our sector is in lockdown or starts opening up, either way we're..

We're Ready To Help...
28 September 2020

We're Ready To Help...

Whilst there are many restrictions in place at present, there are also several legitimate exceptions outlined by the Welsh Government to enable necessary and important activities to take place where needed.

It’s a new normal. Whilst we hope it doesn’t stay like this, we’re here to help and ready in this season.

We’ve spent the last few months diligently preparing our spaces to be suitable to host you. Along with this, our cleaning and hygiene protocols have been radically overhauled to ensure all ....

17 August 2020

COVID-19 Update

In light of recent updates from HM Government, All Nations Centre is closed for all conferencing until circumstances change. We hope to have our doors open again & welcome you as soon as possible.

Looking to the Future
03 June 2020

Looking to the Future

Following the latest UK Government advice we continue to plan for the future whilst keeping the health and safety of everyone at All Nations Centre our highest priority.

Whilst we work diligently on staff safety and hosting events in a socially distancing age, we remain available to plan and discuss your events and needs with you. Whilst our large spaces may, during this time, have reduced capacities, the benefit of their size and access means much can still be achieved.

For those postponing plans, we are working with clients and organisers to find alternative dates and hope that the majority of events can be rescheduled for a future date.

We continue to monitor the latest Government advice and will keep you updated with the latest developments on our website and social media.

This has been a challenging time for many and our own thoughts and prayers are with the many delegates we see who are frontline workers. We are cheering you on and want to express our thanks for all you are doing. We hope to see you in more favourable circumstances very soon.

Novel Coronavirus Update - FREE Video Conferencing for your meeting....
11 March 2020

Novel Coronavirus Update - FREE Video Conferencing for your meeting....

In light of growing concerns surrounding the Coronavirus outbreak we wanted to let you know what the team here at All Nations Centre are doing.

Whilst we continue to risk assess all of our practices in line with public health advice we're also looking at other moves we can make to keep meetings going in the midst of very real challenges.

We're pleased to say that for any new requests in march we would like to add video conferencing to your event free of charge, if that helps you.

Delayed speaker from a cancelled flight? delegate in self isolation? An anxious person with underlying health conditions? Keep meeting together, and we'll bring them to you, free of charge.

A fresh perspective for 2020
09 January 2020

A fresh perspective for 2020

To keep up with the ongoing improvements at All Nations Centre in Cardiff, we're pleased to showcase a brand new video for 2020. With all rooms having been upgraded in the last 18 months we wanted to capture the fresh feel as we head into a new decade.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
20 December 2019

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

At this time we would like to wish all our customers, delegates, visitors and suppliers a very happy Christmas and a peaceful new year.

2019 - Let's have some MORE!
08 January 2019

2019 - Let's have some MORE!

If you were with us in 2018, thank you for making it one of our best years ever here at All Nations Centre.

We hosted a wider variety of events and meetings than ever before which has seen us have our most successful year on record. We're so grateful to ....

10 January 2018

What you need to know about conferencing in 2018

From all of us here at All Nations Centre, we wanted to take a moment to wish you a very Happy New Year!

For many, conferences are focal points in the year and as such demand that extra care and attention to deliver them well. We’ve enjoyed doing that and seen a lot of change in the industry even in the last twelve months. Here’s my top three conference tips based on trends in 2017 and looking at the year ahead.

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